Sixth International Workshop
on Pion-Nucleon Partial-Wave Analysis
and the Interpretation of Baryon Resonances 2327
May, 2011 Washington, DC, U.S.A.
Local Organizers:
William Briscoe
Helmut Haberzettl
Mark Paris
Igor Strakovsky (Chair)
Ron Workman
Conference Secretary:
Emily Neagle
International Advisors:
Mauro Giannini, Genoa
Michael Pennington, JLab
Winston Roberts, FSU
Alfred Svarc, Rudjer Boskovic
Lothar Tiator, Mainz
National Science Foundation
Jefferson Lab
GWU CCAS Dean's Office
GWU Department of Physics
GWU Center for Nuclear Studies
Meeting venue: Change of venue:
Funger Hall, located on G Street, NW, between the 22nd and 23 rd Streets (Campus map)
Lecture Hall: 108.
Break-out rooms for meetings, discussions, etc.: 220, 221, and 222.
All talks are scheduled for 25 minutes, plus 5 minutes for discussion. Speakers are requested to provide pdf or ppt files of their talks well before the sessions in which their talks are scheduled. Individual laptop hook-ups cannot be accommodated. Talk files will be linked online in the schedule below, unless expressly requested otherwise.
Sunday, 22 May 2011
6:00 -9:00 pm
Meet and Greet at Bertucci's
Informal get-together in the upstairs bar of Bertucci's Pizzeria at 2000 Pennsylvania Avenue (NB: Food and drinks available, but not provided by workshop.)
Monday, 23 May 2011
at registration desk outside the workshop lecture hall